Hi all,
I wanted to tell you about my experience getting off Nexium after taking it for 10 years. I quit cold turkey. The first couple of weeks were hard, but never impossible. I could tell that my body was adjusting. I started taking a tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water 3 times a day. I eat a very healthy diet -- lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, no red meat, greek yogurt etc. I stay away from chocolate and tomatoes at night. I try not to eat a big meal at the end of the day. And I sleep on my left side only. The way your stomach is situated, if you sleep on your back or right side, it will dump acid.
After feeling sub par for a week or so, I was able to drink 2 cups of coffee in the am with no ill effects. The vinegar helps relieve the gas -- which you will burp up -- but you feel so much better.
I consulted my internist after I had been doing this for 2 weeks. I told him that doctors put you on these drugs, but don't tell you how to get off. He said that it is because they dont know how. He said I was doing fine, and to do what I could tolerate. I know what that burning sensation feels like, and I have not had it.
By the way, my doctor did a ton of blood tests on me and said my blood values were great.
So, I feel I am well on my way (a month) to never taking these drugs again. I would prefer to sleep on my right side, and I awaken after each sleep cycle (1 hour 45 minutes) but that is a small sacrifice to not taking these drugs.
I would love to hear any other tips people may have, and their success with staying off Nexium.