Hi Willow,First, when your doctor (and I) said that it would take a couple months to get things healed I don't think he (and I know I) didn't mean you'd be in this kind of pain the entire time.
I do think your doctor has never experienced severe reflux or burning, or he's realize that it often refers into the back and chest. It's perfectly normal.
Your situation is so severe and dire that I wonder if it would be worth the high Carafate suspension copay since it can do a much better job of coating your esophagus and helping it heal. I don't know your financial situation, and you may not be able to swing it. It's just a thought.
Do you have a family doctor/internist that you see regularly? Is this who is treating you? Be sure you don't allow yourself to dehydrate because you can't take in enough liquids. I know it's hard to swallow. Be sure that a doctor is following your progress closely.
Did you read through the posts I sent you the link for? That individual tried a lot of things that I've never had experience with. You might find some helpful tips there.
I'm sure the chest pain you're feeling is a reaction to the muscle contraction required for swallowing. I do understand your pain. I would get that type of problem periodically (not quite to the point you're at, but pretty bad), and was even hospitalized with it (because the reflux that caused the burn was causing asthma.).
I'll tell you this sad tale: The GI group who were treating me did a horrible job. They did nothing at all to help my healing. They changed my medication and that's it. They didn't even help intervene with the dietician/kitchen. I was getting sent a regular diet--even spaghetti! I had to do it all myself.
The one thing I could tolerate (and maybe you could try this once you've done some healing) was egg custard. I lived on it. In the hospital I had egg custard and water on my tray, period, once I was able talk with the kitchen.
You can whine all you want. It hurts, you can't eat, you want it to get better. It's a natural thing to feel frustrated, angry, and sad.
I'm glad you're posting here. Please continue to write about your experience and your progress. Perhaps someone else will be seeking the answers that you will discover as you go through this experience.
Very best wishes for a speedy recovery!