I am now 6 months post op and just finished my endoscopy and PH-test, got the results a couple of days ago and wanted to share and ask you guys about it.
As some of you know I´ve been struggling with a hard recovery and especially a sore throat and other issues with my throat. Also have/had feelings of "regular" heartburn during daytime and sometimes after meals.
Got the results back: Endoscopy looked great, wrap looked "brand new" as the surgeon said. No new hital hernia.
PH-test/de Meester score when 6 months out:
Total time of reflux 2,2% (all over result). Over 4,5% considerd reflux.
Upright position: 3,8%. Over 8% considerd reflux.
Supine position (laying down) 0.0%. Over 3% considerd reflux.
De Meester score: 7.6. Everything under 14, 72 considerd normal.
Total episodes of reflux: 4. All in uppright position.
Total time of reflux: 25 minutes.
Longest reflux: 21 minutes.
Here is my question: My number looks pretty normal I guess, but I am a bit puzzled about this one long episode of reflux, lasting 21 minutes. Does this mean I still have to take medicin? Thinking surgery wouldn´t let any reflux sneak out, especially not for 21 minutes.
I really went all in when I had the PH-test, ate all kinds of fatty foods and drank almost a half a bottle of white wine. The reflux incident occured during/around my intake of wine and dinner. Did notice that when I got the results/papers back about the PH-test.
Since I don´t really feel when have reflux, just a general discomfort and throat issues during the day, I did not use the button during the PH-test. So these episodes of reflux are the ones that the hospital staff noticed when going through the test.
I was also on PPI´s up til a week before the PH-test, wonder if this could have an affect on the PH-test (rebound effect coming of PPI´s)?
Need your advice, knowing you guys are the best at these kinds of questions. Should I be celebrating or keep taking my PPI´s?
Hope all is well!