You may want to copy and post your first post into your own thread.. that way more of our members here on the forum can read and respond to you.
To answer your question... yes you may be trying too hard. The one thing I have learned over the past year and 2 months is that you must relax into your recovery. I was on full liquids until 21 days post op.. then I started soft such as broiled or baked fish.. applesauce, cottage cheese, well cooked pasta.. food that could be chewed to a liquid.. you are so early in your recovery.
Not every one can tolerate introducing foods the way some can. I still cannot eat some types of bread and I am 14 months into it. It all depends on your body and if your body says NO!, don't do it. Let your body tell you what it is ready for.. if you introduce something and have a bad reaction, back up and eat lighter for a day or 2 until you feel better then try something else. Do not rush your recovery, believe me time will pass quicker than you can imagine...
Please do as I suggested and post your own thread so that you can benefit from the experience and wisdom of all of our wonderful members...
Please stay with us and let us know how you are doing and ask questions if you are frustrated and even complain if you need to.. share your frustrations and triumphs.. let others benefit from your experiences too...
Rainbows are on their way!!!