Hi Carmella,Welcome to the Wrapped Club! Staff in the ER can recommend roughage, but they have no understanding of what Nissen recovery looks like. Adding roughage right now will likely irritate your healing wrap, as well as create lots of bloating and gas. Stick with the stool softener until you're futher along in your recovery.
Here's a link with information regarding post-Nissen eating protocols:
Sorry you went through such a harrowing experience, and I hope you're recovered from that trauma! Keep sipping fluids all day long, take the stool softeners, and follow a post-Nissen diet,and you'll do fine.
Remember that at 2 weeks post-op you're at peak swelling of your wrap, so swallowing can be a bit dicey. Just know that it isn't forever! Swelling will begin to subside and all will be well.
You're in the roughest part of recovery, and things will get better. Hang in there! Stick around and ask questions...no question is a stupid question! Ask them all.
Happy healing!