Hi elenisamerka,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club! It does sound as if what you're experiencing is very normal post-op. Be sure to stay away from foods that are gassy as much as possible. I found that if I took BEANO (an enzyme supplement that helps break down vegetables and make them less gassy) it helped a lot. Hopefully you can find something like that where you live. Perhaps you have a milk intolerance, and you could get some lactose free milk products, or a lactase product that will help make it more digestible. Be sure to stay away from carbonated beverages and don't ever drink from a straw. All these types of things put more air into your stomach and add to bloating.
Bloating can be a problem anytime after a Nissen, but it becomes far less frequent and bothersome. I just had a bloating episode after toasting my son's engagement with champagne! Who'd have thought?
The problem is that the way a Nissen is formed, the flap becomes tighter the more full the stomach becomes. So once the gas gets ahead of you, it becomes impossible to get it out until it makes its way through the lower GI tract.
Gas-X (Simethecone) can be very helpful (I took it with some relief after my champagne episode) if you can get a burp out. I always carry it with me, just in case.
If you stomach is getting nauseous, I would suggest taking a dose of Ranitidine (Zantac). I have always found it helps. I think that the nausea is caused by irritation of the stomach, and Zantac can cut the acid, which is helpful.
The loud stomach gurgles are also very normal, so don't let it freak you out! It used to be pretty embarassing at a meeting, when people across the room started offering me something to eat, since they thought they were hunger grumbles! This gradually subsides and gets less and less frequent, but in my case, it didn't disappear until into the second year. I'd decided that I'd have to live with it, when one day I realized that it was gone!
Hang in there! Things will gradually improve over time.
Glad you've joined the forum!
Very best wishes,