I am glad I have found this forum as I think after a lot of researching the horrible symptoms im dealing with everyday for the past month are due to LPR. Its actually really frustrated me that its gotten this far as as soon as I started feeling the lump in my throat and gettin problems swallowing I went to the doctors and they told me it was just globus hystericus and my symptoms still got worse so I revisited like 4 more times and i got the same answer and even tho i kno anxiety will make the situation worse its this that has caused me the anxiety nothing else, I was fine before I got this .
I finally got my doctor to refer me to an ent specialist whom I will be seeing in two weeks time and Im hoping that they will come back with some results so I can get rid of this thing. If the doctors had actually listened and perhaps thought about all the other options they would have suggested gerd and I could have prevented it from getting any worse cuz ive never dealt with this before so never knew about it.
After reading all this and researching I have seen that I can at least reduce symptoms for the time being by doing certain things and avoiding certain foods which I admit will be hard for me especially considerin i have easter eggs that I cant eat as chocolate makes it worse :/ also i was taking ibuprofen on and off for a while cuz it was recommended by my doctor and now I have found that apparently the stuff in it makes gerd worse so thanks to them they made it worse.
Im also thinking I should stop taking decongestion medicines as if its gerd ive got and not actual congestion theyre not gona make anything better and they havent made any improvement either. Just wanted to inform people of this misleading stuff doctors will tell you cuz it can just make things worse, always make sure they explore all options before immediatley relating it to anixety , just means they cant be bothered really doesnt it.
So from today I am going to cut down on the fat and trigger foods , reduce the amount I have on my meals and perhaps take up a bit of yoga to calm myself. If anyone else knows of anything else that may help me please say so as ive been so down about this for a long time and really want to get back to normal especially seeing as Im supposed to be starting work again next week. sorry for the long post had a lot of feelings to vent lol, oh and one more thing eating a couple apples every now and again does seem to help a bit so worth a try , hope everyone who suffers with this gets better real soon
edited to add paragraph breaks to enable easier reading.
Post Edited By Moderator (dencha) : 4/5/2013 10:57:01 AM (GMT-6)