Hi everyone, my name is Michelle. Back in February of 2012 I went to the E.R. with what I thought was a heart attach. Turns out I have acid reflux (severe) and a hiatal hernia. I've been through a Barrium swallow, EDG, 2 tests to check my gallbladder, esophogeal memometry and 24 ph study. UGGGGG!
My Gastro. Specialist is now sending me to a surgeon on October 3rd, 2012. I have been reading everyone's post on here and other material on the internet. I have severe acid reflux, SEVERE chest pain, nausia, etc. My Gastro. specialist has not been very cooperative on my chest pain. I'm so sick of this and it's nice to know there are other folks out there experiencing the same things I am. I've gone back and forth as to wanting surgery or not. Last night I woke up choking as my reflux acid was in my mouth and not in the back of my throat. I think it's time! Can anyone explain to me how their surgery went? I'm quite scared, broke from all the testing and just plain tired of all of this! PLEASE HELP!