The whole saga is a bit long so I will tell you the highlights and post a link to my whole story here from our resource thread too.
My first nissen was done incorrectly and it took almost 3 years to find out this. I had my first one done locally and was sent to Layola Medical Center in Chicago to find out what was wrong with it about
2.5 years after it was done. They did an exploratory surgery and found it was done wrong and re did it then. That was Mat of '09. All was great until during an EGD to check the barretts they put a whole in my esophagus.
What had to bw done to repair my esophagus and allow me to keep my esophagus the nissen was torn a part by the stent that had to be put in my esophagus. This happened on 2/28/11. I then had my nissen redone again on 8/24/11 and all has been great since.
I switch GI docs at my local GI group because I was kinda scared to let the same GI do any more EGDs, he is the son of my original GI doc and doesn't have "the touch" yet I feel. Anyhow, the GI I am now seeing just happened to be at the University of Iowa hospital when I had the esophagus repaired and was learning from a very great GI doc there. When I first saw him here he said I looked familiar, only about
8 months since I was at Iowa City, and after reading my chart said he remembered my case very well.
He then told me because my wrap is functioning well he sees no need to do the EGD every year anymore and wanted to switch to every 3 years since the odds of the barretts advancing with a good wrap was very very low. He has just finished up his schooling and said the new views about
barretts is changing and doesn't believe ablation is needed with a functioning wrap unless it is has changed to dysplasia.
Don't be affraid to be a good advocate for yourself and seek a second opinion. In my case he am glad to have found a GI who is up to date with the new ideas concerning this. Actually the surgeon who did my first redo did want me to see the GI there and get it ablated, but I didn't want to have any extra procedures I may not actually need and am glad I held off.
Here is the link to my journey care,