Hi all!
So my issues all started with a bacterial infection in my stomach called hpylori. They put me on triple therapy antibiotics meaning three different antibiotics and a ppi, they made me feel even worse then I also started having acid refux also diagnosed as GERD. My symptoms are cest pain,tight throat feeling or sore throat feeling, globus (lump in throat feeling) stomach pains. So that is when I found this forum and began taking advice from all the wonderful people on this forum, eating healthier and trying some natural supplements which helped but not ever completely, tried alkaline water which helps the most and began to think this is something I will just always deal with and eventually have to get surgery because on my last endoscopy I was told I have a slightly weak LES (which I still have yet to talk to my gi doc about, was told by his nurse) but I will see him on Dec 17th and get more datails on that. Anyways thought I had gotten rid of the hpylori with the antibiotics and all these symptoms were gerd/lpr relatred and still can be but I am almost certain that it is just the hpylori now. On my last endoscopy they also told me I still have hplori and thats when I started doing more research on that. I have found that a lot of symptoms all of us acid reflux suffers are having can also be linked to hpylori even the throat pain and chest pain, sinus issues, breathing problems ect. So I have now found this website that this nice lady Amy has started about hpylori and the treatment she took to get rid of it along with all her symptoms. I will now start the remedies and see how it goes. Well I will not start till I get back from vacation next Friday and I will most definately report back to let everyone know how it goes. This hpylori is a very stubborn bug that can and will cause all kinds of weird symptoms. It will take atleast three months or so for me to feel one hundered percent if this works for me but I am staying positive. I pray to god this is my issue and my body will be back to normal soon! So I would just like to suggest to eveyone please, please go get tested for hpylori. It can be tested by a blood test, breath test or stoll sample it will only take a little of your time and can save you a lot of health issues. If you do have hpylori please go check out this website http://amyking.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/.
Maybe this post is a little too soon since I haven't even done the treatment and don't know if it will work for me but I wanted to share it so that I may help someone that this is thier issue and it's not really acid reflux or gerd/lpr. Don't get me wrong I know gerd/lpr are very real but in some cases this can be the real issue.
Thanks for reading this long post. I wish everyone well and wish me luck!!