Hi guys, new to the forum but have read quite a bit on here. Which can be very educational, as well as very grim! I'd like to share whats happening with you guys and get any feedback for something I might be overlooking.
I have had bad GERD symptoms for about
3 months. 28yo/male. Recently they have gotten to the throat burning everyday, bed raised, always feeling it situation.
First attack happened about
4 months ago, woke up in the middle of the night with harshly burning throat feeling and started taking 2 zantac 150s/Day. I did that for about
a month then got my doc to switch me to Nexium generic. It was working out okay, not really getting rid of the symptoms but certainly making them less noticeable. After 8 weeks of nexium he decided to try tecta, which really didn't work. Then put be back on nexium and motillium. So far today its just as bad as it was the first day, perhaps worse since the burning throat won't subside.
A few years back (2009 I think) I had a similar epidsode. Kind of struck me out of no where. (When i say no where I mean the middle of the summer while I was enjoying beer and food more often than normal, same as in this case 2012) In 2009 it took 4 months to get a endoscopy done, and by the time it came around I was completely fine, and the results were fine as well. That time I was on Nexium for only 1 month.
The endoscopy I have booked now is not till June! (Canadian health care.. but hey its free)
So am I bit worried this time I just did in my LES and its never going to heal or get better. Im not sure if that is the case. And I take the internet forums with a grain of salt because people who feel better don't often come back to say how great they feel. They move on with their life and stop googling acid reflux.
First off.. is there any way to fix this? Right now im trying to eat things that dont bother it much. 12 grain bagels, salad with no dresing, wheaty cereal with skim milk. I have never smoked, I am losing about
some pounds per week cause im not eating much with the GERD. (6 foot male, weighing about
160lbs, when this first hit 4 months ago it was closer to 185lbs)
I'm not drinking coffee, at all.
I do love beer, and I have tried to stay away from it entirely. On the weekends I might have 4-6 overall. It feels okay when I do, but days after it may feel worse. Its hard for me to pinpoint where the pain came from.
Also sometimes, this hasn't happened lately, I will get what I think is a Esophageal Spasm where from a movement or sudden lift, it feels like a sword or pound of bricks in my chest for several hours. Happened real bad once on a stressful day and since hasn't been as bad.
I was tested for H. pylori in the beginning and wonder if I could have got it since?
Also, is it bad to take Nexium with Zantac 75s?
I've read some encouraging posts about
getting off meds. I gave it a go for week, but I could almost eat nothing and the burn was worse. I worry about
barrets a little bit, so I decided to hop back on nexium (not generic).
That was a lot for you to read, if you made it this far thanks. I think venting makes it better. Sick of bothering my family and friends with the negatives.