Hi Ruthie,I wouldn't worry a bit. I had a lung infection when I had my Nissen done, and I coughed NONSTOP and HARD throughout the first two months of my surgery recovery. I worried my way through, fearing that I'd tear out the stitches and destroy my wrap. My GI doc wasn't all tha comforting..."what's the worse that can happen? You have a redo...no big deal." Not to him, maybe.
Actually, my surgeon wasn't all that concerned, and thought that my sutures would hold fine...which they did. Four years later (and lots of coughing during each and every allergy season...even now, when I have a sinus infection and bronchitis) my wrap is holding well.
At my five or six week recheck, I asked my surgeon about the effects of coughing, he said that "even water can erode stone". He said that there is a cumulative effect of coughing, straining, etc., that will eventually weaken the repair. He said that these things are unavoidable.
What are you going to do? You can't not cough. I have asthma, and when I have allergies or a cold I cough a lot. I can't avoid it.
Hope you feel better soon! Don't waste time worrying about your wrap. It'll be just fine!
Take care!