Posted 5/11/2013 8:24 PM (GMT 0)
This cough is always present, always itching in my throat. No matter how hard I try to ignore it's always there. Every couple seconds I have to either swallow, clear my throat, or cough. When I try to resist it, my brain tells me that I desperately need to clear my throat. I've had this feeling in my throat for as long as I can remember.
I face a lot of symptoms from LPR and from GERD, so it is hard to treat. Lately I have been thinking about the fact that I have never been kept up or woken up by this cough. When I lie down, I have less heartburn and the itch in my throat lessens. When I noticed that I hadn't coughed yet right as I was waking up this morning, the itch began, and it will continue until after I fall asleep tonight.
I also know from my most recent pH probe results that I had 165 instances of reflux during the day and 0 at night. This fact puzzled my doctors and they basically said that they had no idea how this was possible or what this meant. My theory was that it was a matter of motion and that any amount of motion sends acid straight up my throat. This would hold true for why I had a lot of heartburn during the day while I was active and none at night while I was still. Yesterday I noticed something that contradicts that though. Yesterday I was taking an exam in a rather small room. There were only 15 people and together they managed to be quite quiet throughout the entire 3 hour period. So quiet that I noticed each individual cough more than when it blended in with the surrounding sounds, simply because it was the loudest thing in the room. Why did I cough every minute or two when I was sitting completely still in the same seat for the entire 3 hours?
I simply can't figure out why the itch in my throat is so active during the day and then practically not there at night. It isn't a matter of movement, I know that much. Does anyone have any information to add as to why this might happen during the day and not the night?