Hi guys, I last posted on here soon after my surgery. A quick re-cap.....i have suffered from heartburn since i was 18, i'm now 35. I went from over the counter drugs to Zantac, Nexium, Domperidone and finally Dexillant. Nothing really worked. Last year i finally met a Surgeon who said that i needed the surgery to solve the problem. I had previously lost about
25 pounds due to the lack of appetitie, nausea and vommitting.
On Dec 4, 2013, i had the surgery and was hopeful that i would be able to make a full recovery. It has been almost 9 months and although the acid does not come up into my throat I can feel it at the LES site. The biggest problem that i have is that the last time i felt the sensation of hunger was the day of my surgery, that's right, i have not felt hungry since my op. I have spoken with my surgeon who ordered a Barium xray. According to the results the surgery was a 100% success.
I feel that i am back to square one and get a lot of gas. I still cannot eat anything raw, when i do i get the awful pain the in the shoulder. Has anyone experienced anything like this, are there any tips or suggestions? After the surgery i lost 10 pounds but have only been able to put back 4. I am losing my mind....pls help.