Hi Denise!
Sorry my reply is so late. Have another family member in a critical health crisis
and I became distracted.
I had the wrap on 8/9 and wrote that I was having possible reflux and had a very coated tongue.
Your response has really put me at ease. Thank you for that. I too am on inhaled steroids and have
had thrush on occasion but nothing like this, that never dawned on me. I'm sure that is what it
is and I am trying some Diflucan I had on hand. The thought of reflux again really had me
down but after reading the old nurses statement and your reply I am feeling better.
Other then those two happenings I just want to let everyone out there know that this was
nothing like I anticipated,it was so much easier. I personally had very little pain.
Took a dose of liquid Tylonal the evening I came home before bedtime and haven't had
anything for pain since and believe me I am not trying to be brave.
I have a little discomfort around my incisions but I honestly feel good. Went for a nice
walk this morning and I'm getting ready for another in a few. Eating a lot of baby food and
blender drinks with protein and vitamins, staying on soft food for awhile longer, my choice.
So glad I found this blog, what a stress reliever it is for me!!!!
Thanks again Denise. Grams