Posted 9/15/2013 3:27 PM (GMT 0)
Thanks for your post JPT. I have read quite a few of your other posts too and found them very helpful. I thought I was posting in the Lynx Group!!!....can you tell me how to do that.....most of the ones I have read are closed.
I too went to see Dr Ashford in 2012 but my PMP would not pay for the op so had to wait till it came on the NHS before I could get it . I was absolutely fabulous after the op to start with and was encouraged to stop the PPi over two weeks and to test out the Linx "to the limit " which was praps not the best advice but even the surgeons are new to this, there being just two on the NHS who do it and I am very grateful to mine for his help. I was refused by one due to my hiatus hernia which turned out to be quite a large one at 6 cms but the second surgeon, a hernia specialist, did the op and repaired the hernia too. My problems returned gradually 3 weeks after stopping PPIs so five weeks after surgery.
Being an older lady , retired teacher, I do not really lead a wild life re drinking and eating lol and mainly have problems at night being woken up with upset stomache, foul mouth and pounding/throbbing feeling, all when my tum is empty. I had major sore throat and hoarse voice and chest discomfort with it pre linx but this is milder now. I also have pounding and stomache throbbing after food if I eat too much ( simple enough to cut back on portions as you say) or with foods that disagree hence I have gone dairy free, gluten free and caffiene free and cut out tomatos and lots and lots of other flagged up foods. I will soon be food free if I carry on lol I have lost 25lbs. I was on 45 mg lanso pre op and now am on 30 mg post op. Still getting the night time breakthrough and cannot come up with anything to make it go away. Last night I had stopped eating by 6pm. Bed 10am. Up 12.25, discomfort and throbbing, drank water ..back to sleep, up 2.45 more discomfort and throbbing. Some bright spark said try a dry biscuit....did that, back to sleep woken again 5.15am worse discomfort and throbbing so gave into the gaviscon and back to sleep lol till 7am.
It is Gerd/silent type reflux as it is basically a milder version of what I had before. My 'strange" symptom is the pounding/throbbing I get in stomache and neck, rather like the pain you might get with a post op tooth throbbing away and it definitely affects my heart rate /pulse loudness though heart is checked out fine. Soon as I mention this pounding heart /throbbing feeling medics say oh it s anxiety palpataions but I am not anxious just fed up of it and anyway it is very responsive to gaviscon which is not a regular fix for anxiety. So, I am 8 weeks post op and it is early days yet. Will stay on the 30mg till things settle again (my GP does not want me back on 45 if poss) and then tirate down as you suggest cutting to 15mg rather than 30mg for one day a week for couple of weeks then 15mg two days a week etc till I get down to 15mg every day and then do the same again till I get to nil...hopefully without rebound.
I have been looking at the pepcin test you mentioned and may at some point have that done to see if I am refluxing still if symptoms persist. My GP cheerfully told me last week I will not get off the PPI as I will be "sick as a parrott" without them...he's right so far lol. I have to be positive though as other pre op symptoms have gone away completely and I feel a lot better for the hernia fix too, I am sleeping in a bed again not a recliner chair and other persisting symptoms are milder on less meds so thats a good start. I would like to improve even on this though so I keep trawling the net for answers. Will keep posting and reading the Linx threads. Thanks again.
PS sorry for being a bit long winded lol.