Hi Jenn,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club! At 12 days post op, you're headed toward peak swelling which is reached on or about the 14th day. My surgeon told me when I saw him at Day 6, that my swallowing would get worse before it got better because of wrap swelling. I remember it was pretty tough at your stage. Did you see my early recovery journal? It might give you some comfort and some idea of what you're in for.
If your swallowing gives you trouble, slow down on the eating. I read on another thread that you've been drinking and eating a lot of cold things. That's really a no-no at this stage. No iced drinks or cold things...at least don't swallow that ice cream until it has time to warm in your mouth. Stick with liquids until the swelling subsides, and you'll probably do better. If you're eating solids, take small bites and chew, chew, chew until whatever it is becomes a liquid/creamy consistency. Don't swallow anything that isn't chewed to a complete liquid.
If something gets stuck, relax and just sip something warm. The discomfort will subside and whatever it is will eventually get through the wrap. Don't forget to take those small bites and chew thoroughly, though. It's key.
I know some people have to go back to work right away, but if it's possible to stay out longer, I'd recommend it. I'm a retired teacher, and I thought I'd go back half time at 2 weeks, but didn't because of lung issues and a sick bunch of kids in my classroom (my surgery was in Feb. '09). I ended up staying out 6 weeks, which was great. When I went back I was feeling really good and had the strength and stamina I needed to handle the long hours and stress. Is there any way you can get a little more time to heal?
Surgeons haven't lived through this recovery, and it's easy for them to tell you that two weeks is plenty of time to recover. You can do it, but it's going to take a lot out of you and slow down your recovery. You've had major surgery on the inside...the outside/little slits, will heal quickly, but the inside takes 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest.
As far as wishing you'd never had the surgery...that's a common feeling that disappears as healing progresses. The day will come when you're thrilled with the results and you'll change your tune completely!
Glad you've found the forum! It's a great place to ask questions and receive support as you heal. Surgeons generally try to provide helpful information, but people who've "been there" can give you the best recovery information of all! We're not doctors, and you should always call your surgeon's office if you have a persistent pain, or worrisome symptom. For all the rest, we're here for you!
Happy healing,