Not sure how often you check back but I did read your initial post under jacket923 concerning the sensitive nerves. I believe I have this although my doctor thinks that I have reflux I'm not buying it considering I have never had any heartburn / acid tasting (vomit) in my throat /mouth. I believe these doctors just like to jump to conclusions because they either don't want to do the research or they are completely lost and just want you out of their office. When I first presented this issue to my doctor she obviously was not listening to what I saying not once did I say anything about
heartburn or even burping but, she quickly said acid reflux is your problem.
My issue started about
7 years ago and I can clearly remember when it started. I had been sick with the flu and I also had pharyngitis which is extremely painful worse sore throat you can imagine for about
2 weeks and like anyone who has had the flu you know how congested your head gets so you try to do anything to get the congestion out of you from blowing your nose to coughing up phlemg. Well that is exactly what I did only problem was that the coughing / hacking never stopped (thick mucus like silicone I could actually glue something with it and I can clearly see why it is so hard to get it out of throat as well as my nose which is the perfect lining for it to stick to). I went to many doctors who could very clearly see the post nasal drip in the back of my throat and was prescribed antibiotics for sinus infections even though I had no pain in my head /ears let alone no congestion in my head no runny nose but yet the nasal drip was running down the back of my throat.
I was tested for allergies which came back negative and one doctor (ent) just decided to say that he thought I may have a very mild case of asthma he then sent me home with prescript
ions that I never filled and trust me I do not have asthma he was just grasping at straws. After doing research on acid reflux I ran into a site which talked about
LPR - I realized that I had some of those symptoms mainly with the mucus.
Since then I have ran into a couple different blogs on the internet this being one of them but it was your original posting and I'm thinking that is my problem so I started to do some research and this condition actually exists ( laryngeal sensory neuropathy). I had no idea that your nerves could become damaged from a virus (flu) and since this is when my issue started it makes since that this is my problem - at least I'm hoping it is. Some of the symptoms with this issue is the constant clearing of the throat (mucus) and I'm also noticing it on just one side although the globus feels like it is center top of my throat. It feels much better when I eat but of course I can't just sit around and eat all day I now have develope this little cough but it is due to the feeling of a tickle on the same side of my throat (right). And the little bit of pain that I feel is also on the right side of the upper part of my throat and slightly under my jaw - I believe the pain is due to my constant hacking I'm probably doing more damage with the hacking but I can't help it something to do with the feeling that I'm going to choke on the mucus. Acid refux would be on both sides it's not going to pick and choose which side it's going to attack . It also feels better when I drink fluids and that is also what I use to control the cough not to mention I have no problems swallowing but my throat is raspy in the morning due to hacking I have always been a very healthy person and when you talk to some of these doctors they look at you like you are a quack and you can always tell when they don't know the answer because they want to prescribe anxiety meds - I learned that in nursing school.
Well now I find it interesting that a anti-depressive med may actually take care of this problem and I am definitely going to try it (Anavil). I'm also going to try the vitamin D3 as well considering the last time I had blood work done I was told that I was border line. I find it interesting that most people with this so-called LPR condition also have low vitamin D levels definitely something to check into.
Once last thing I have read is that if you do have acid reflux and most people have mild acid reflux which is a normal response of the body and or if you have allergies that you need to take all 3 so that they can target what ever issue it may be together. Anavil+PPI+ allergy med. I also understand that one might start noticing that they are immediately getting better within a few days and I know that others have taken a few months so I will prepare for the latter considering how long this issue has been going on but I do know one thing altering my body with the nissen surgery will be the very last thing I do considering most people have not had a good turnout with that surgery the numbers are extremly low at 20%
Post Edited (Highlandgirl) : 10/11/2012 3:44:33 PM (GMT-6)