Hi maximus--
I had moderately worse LPR symptoms than I do now, before my TIF in August. My DeMeester score was around 25, and now it's about 3-4...however, since LPR is all about a weakened pharyngeal sphincter in addition to the LES, those reflux spikes, in addition to the aeresolized acid vapor and non-acid components of reflux, are enough to still give me symptoms. The most troubling are continued dysphagia and asthmatic conditions, as well as subtle hoarseness/laryngitis that prevent me from speaking for long periods, or singing. Even with a "normal" DeMeester score, I'm still getting 25-30 reflux spikes per day.
Everyone is different, of course, and there may be those whose throats are tougher than mine. But given my experience with the procedure, I would say that the TIF is less appropriate for LPR/NERD patients than GERD patients who are mainly experiencing heartburn (which I do not).
Yes, the TIF is a great procedure for many people, but even the EsophyX manufacturer recognizes the TIF as a "bridge" surgery between those who can't tolerate or don't get good results from PPIs, and the Nissen. LPR is a special case of GERD, and I'm not sure anyone suffering from these symptoms can achieve a 100% reduction in reflux with the TIF, which is what they need.
If your concern is gastritis preventing you from Nissen surgery, there is medication you can begin taking to help heal this ahead of time, and perhaps keep the condition managed afterwards.