I also have panic and anxiety so I know EXACTLY how you're feeling right now. Everyone in the world can tell you to relax but you're not going too until the doc comes out and says no cancer.. I was a wreck no matter how many people assured and after I came out of the proceedure I was still loopy from the sedative but the first, very first thing I said to my doctor was cancer? So I know really how you feel right now.. Hang in there.. The test takes less than 10 mins and it's all over. Lemme know how you do...
Magnic said...
Thankyou so much for replying so quickly, its so good to hear from people who are going throught the same, I suuffer from anxiety and panic attacks so I guess that dosnt help the way Im feeling.
Im so glad to hear you were clear but it still dosnt help the other symptoms does it what a nightmare.
I also wonder if I may have a hiatal hernai as My dad has one and my cousin just had his operated on.
I will post later to let you know how I go.
Thanks again.xx