Hello! I'm currently 13 years old, and I have GERD/anxiety disorder for three months. I'm starting to have heartburn/GERD symptoms and chest pain on my right side..(pain under my right rib, travels to arm/chest/back..etc.) Whenever I lay down, and breathe in and out, my right side/chest feels kind of heavy. I don't have trouble breathing, but it just feels heavy. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my: liver, gallbladder, or if it's just gas.. I'm starting to worry a lot about
this too.
about a two months ago, I had a blood test and a ultrasound (to check my liver), and they all came back fine. All of my symptoms occurred for two weeks already, and it's been making me worried. With my anxiety disorder.. I keep thinking that I have a problem with my heart, or if there's something wrong with me..
GERD/anxiety disorder has been a complete pain for me, and this keeps making me depressed. I can't stop worrying about it, and I was wondering if anyone out there is also facing the same exact pain as I am.. Can somebody please help me out?
Thank you,