I'm new to the board & on the hunt for info. I've had increasing difficulty w/swallowing for more than 5 years with the feeling that something was stuck in my throat. When I originally saw a physician about
this, she could find nothing wrong, checked my thyroid and referred me to an ENT. ENT did a scope (up the nose & down the throat) and couldn't find any reason for my difficulties. The referring physician asked me if "there is anything in your life that you find hard to swallow?" Realizing that they thought I was whack, I didn't follow up on my symptoms again until about
a month ago... it's been years.
This time the same ENT said my esophagus was inflammed and the cartilage behind my larynx was eroded, etc., and she suspected reflux. 2 weeks of treatment didn't change anything so she ordered a CT of my neck/throat... which was negative. In the meantime, my general physician did some blood work to check my thyroid (negative). Phyisican's office phoned me today and said I tested positive for H Pylori and referred me to a GI. I have an appt. tomorrow.
Of course I hit the web to find out "what is H Pylori". I understand what it is and it sounds like this could be why I've had this feeling in my throat all these years.
Has anybody been down this road?