GC1pink said...
Hi Jakob,
I don't think the Reza Band is an absolute cure all - I do however think it's useful for night reflux and after eating reflux.
You are bound to get gas reflux as well as liquid reflux into the UES and this is what causes the damage.
Definitely coming off ppi's you would now have acid damage in your throat as well as pepsin damage.
I believe the Nissen would be of benefit as anything that reduces reflux can only be a help.
Also your oesophagus is built to withstand a substantial amount of damage but the tissues in your throat are not. Pepsin clings to the cells in your throat and stays there, this is then repeated day in day out. It's almost impsossible to heal a throat that is still being battered with stomach contents - I should know.
My advice to you would be get the surgery - let your throat recover and enjoy getting on with your life.
Do let us know how you get on
Pink, about
the gas reflux. Some people said LINX helped them fix their symptoms. Think it would work for me?