Feeling deperate here and needing some feedback from other possible LPR sufferers! I have been dealing with this for about
6 months now and am beyond frustrated. I just had a baby around that time and towards the end of my pregnancy was placed on Omeprazol 40 mg due to my heartburn getting bad. I have had heartburn most of my adult life and I am now 35 years old. Shortly after delivery I was VERY stressed out due to things going on and dealing with no sleep and a newborn. So my symptoms are as follows:
- throat tighness, about 15 minutes following eating anything
- tight wheezy feeling in throat area after eating
- backwash of a bitter/acid sometimes metalic taste following eating (10-15 mins later)
- whitish/yellow coating on tastebuds (clear back of tounge)
- belching/burping feeling to clear pressure
Ive had a swallow study which was normal
Scope which showed a hiatal hernia that ive had for years and a "ring" (cant remember the name of it)
I also just had my gallbladder removed due to all of this to see if it would help and that did nothing of course...but my Hida scan only showed 30% so I guess it would have happened eventually.
I just stopped the PPI two weeks ago and thinsg actually got better for about a week and now are getting bad again, except for my digestion seems improved and quicker....
To me it sounds like LPR BUT I know vitamin deficiencies can cause weird things as can hormones following a pregnancy, ect.
I have also lost alot of weight due to this and I am currently down to 93 lbs :( and want to gain back at least 15!
Will be greatfull for any and all advice and tips on healing (naturally hopefully).
P.s. I have been gluten free for 7 years, and I am also dairy and egg free also..all due to allergies.