Anyone out there???
I had my second fundoplication and HH surgery repair three weeks ago and I am having terrible reflux that wakes me up at night. I'm still on ppi's (20 mg omeprazole each day) and lots of gavisocn but that doesn't help a bit. I am really distraught and just can't understand why this surgery doesn't seem to be working for me. I can barely swallow either! The food (all liquids and soft) gets to that junction and then hurts when it tries to go through. Today is a really bad morning. I am trying to hang in there and hope this is a fluke but have been having reflux since just after the surgery. I keep telling myself it's all part of the healing process but I feel like I'm just in denial that this once again hasn't worked for me. The anxiety is definitely mounting for sure!
The first hernia repair and fundoplication (toupee) was in Mar 2010 and it never worked from the beginning either. My doctor just kept ordering more tests and telling me all was fine. I went back on nexium right after the surgery and still had stage 3 esophagitis after about
4 years. PPI's didn't work at all so I had to go back for another surgery. My hernia was still there, right after the first surgery too.
So, I found the best surgeon at the best hospital in Paris and even had the robot but so far, I don't hold out much hope that this is just all part of the healing. I have a huge lump in my throat, can't swallow, burning in the back of the throat, stabbing between the shoulder blades- all classic reflux symptoms. I should know, I've had this for more than 20 years. Been on ppi's for at least 17 years. I am so bummed.
Can anyone offer any words of encouragement?