SuejayUK said...
I have a theory that we may be battling low stomache acid not too much acid. Reflux is essentially acid in the wrong place or as in our case pepsin aerosol reflux in the wrong place which the Linx cannot be expected to fix really. My theory is that I had the Linx, came off PPis, struggled with rebound which is caused by overproduction of acid then when I had the magical four months this was when my tum was producing a perfect amount of acid which as my stomache adjusted over time back to 'normal' became low acid which kicked off the reflux again by encouraging inappropriate LES opening especially at night when the stomache is empty Just a theory but in my case supported by the fact that I feel better with the acidic apple cider vinegar ( chewy tabs) and worse on acid reducing PPI's. SO dont know what you think about that but makes sense to me..
Hi SuejayUK,
I'm interested in your theory about
low stomach acid. Indeed I feel the same (that the right balance of acid in the stomach has to be struck) but i have not tried the apple cider vineger yet. Can you tell us please how much and how often do you take the vineger? when in relation to meal timing?
I hope you're doing fine with your linx and are feeling better.