Trotters said...
I've read and been told my consultants that if you are having asthma symptoms and airway problems due to gerd you are more often than not recommended surgery. Refkux whether it is acidic or neutralised by ppi/antacid is damaging to the airways. I have Airway refkux and possible asthma brought on by GERD and I too find exercising difficult mainly due to my inflamed airways plus the sensation of reflux from exercising. I was told that no amount of ppi or medication would help my airway symptoms as my les is loose.
Obviously it's your choice but if you have a mechanical cause such as hernia it loose les then no amount of medication will stop reflux of any sort.
How did you find out you had airway reflux? Is there a specific test? I have terrible episodes of shortness of breath however I have a hiatal hernia which can also cause that.