Hi All - I am 11 weeks post-op, and feeling odd; still. A couple (ok 3) issues having me searching the web for answers. Having read what is posted from 2007(?) - 2011 about
hernia repair with Fundiplication, I feel like my problems are somewhat diminished, compared with what a few of you have gone through. And I wonder how you all are faring now; 4 to 8 years later.
I'm not a person who goes to the Dr. regularly, having gotten bummed out in the past by same. So I ignored the issues and pain caused by the hernia for quite a few years. Hitting the beginning of Medicare years, I decided it was time to find out what the heck was wrong with my tum. Endoscopy revealed Giant Hernia. At last, a diagnosis. Lot of time went by, more aggravation, then consult with Thoracic Surgeon at our near University Hospital. Yes, please; fix this darn thing! A lot of testing took place prior to the surgery. We felt very confident in the skills of the Surgeon, and in a good setting.
The Surgeon was very upbeat, and didn't mention anything about
post-surgical issues. Just that I would feel better and better over time. Good so far.... But I sure wish there had been access to patient education! Most everything I know about
all this has been garnered from lots of time on the Internet!
After surgery, I had a 2-week follow-up to answer questions, and check the wounds. All seven of them! Nine weeks later, I still have lots of questions. And I have come to realize this is not going to be a quick recovery. I did receive a video with 7 10-minute files of the main part of my surgery. It has answered some of my questions. Interesting; I can see my heart, liver, and kidneys all at the same time, in a couple of the files. Hmmmmm..... A little hard to watch. Makes me cringe a bit.
Surgery was 2 1/2 hours approx. Time in ICU 24 hours under morphine. Then they chucked me out of there, rather unceremoniously I thought. Home with a prescript
ion, to cope. Ugh! The first two weeks were awful!
Week six, the nerves in my abdomen came back on-line. Ouch! I could feel the trocars going in..... painful stabbing sensations, random, in seven places. That lasted for about
a week, then subsided.
At week eleven, my husband wants to know how I can stop expelling bowel gas so lustily. I just tell him it feels better on the outside.... And I have chronic pain in my back left side near my spine. Coincides with area of considerable curettage and sewing up at juncture of hiatus with esophagus and stomach. I get relief from lying down on the bed flat on my back and taking a nap or long time-out. Ibuprophen dulls this, but doesn't make it stop. Only time I don't feel this is when on my back or asleep. Hopefully it will go away with time.
Still challenged with eating and drinking, but I just try to take it one meal at a time. Want to lose some more weight, so that is on my radar too.
So, has anyone out there had replacement of stomach (completely in chest and up to carina behind heart) and intussecption of esophagus, laparoscopic da Vinci assisted surgery? Would like to know your experience, challenges, and victories!