A cure?
this is my story and I hope it can help anyone who reads its. For years now I have been aware of ectopic beats. At first way back in 2011 I would feel one every now and again then in September last year they suddenly got very bad - I had two 48hr Holters which showed I had around 7 to 10% of my beats were ectopic. I was also suffering from a lot of burbing and of course had the constant feeling of anxiety and dread you get with ectopic beats. I went to several different doctors - all said the same thing - your heart is fine - no idea why you have these beats - yes it is horrible, sorry nothing we can do. By march this year the situation was so bad I was in permanent state of bi and tri gemini with some periods where the ectopic and normal beats would alternate. It got so bad they were battling to do MRI's and Untrasounds - same response - do not know what it is sorry. I then went to a highly recommended cardioligist who after one exam said we have to put in a pace maker immediately one with an icd. He told me the ef of my heart was 40% and I had cardiomyopathy. I was in a state of shock. He told me I had to have the op done immediately. Fortunately I had my doubts and I visited yet another cardio who told me that this guy was just trying to make money and that a pacemaker would not help me - that said he could not help me either. So I did tons of research and adopted a shotgun approach to cures and SOMETHING HAS WORKED - I have not had an ectopic beat in 4 weeks - they gradually started diminishing about
7 weeks ago. I am so happy for the first time in nearly a year I have no anxiety and I can sleep at night without my heart thumping and skipping in my chest. So here is what I did - hope something works for you.
I read that Chiro's can treat Roemholds syndrome - my chiro did the research in his community and started various treatments to my back and chest and even stomach.
I read that magnesium and potassium deficiency can cause ectopic beats and that it can take a long time to build your magnesium back up - so I started taking high quality supplements
Holistic Doctor
I went for a full panel of tests - one strange thing came back - I had a very violent and strong reinfection of epstein bar - doc gave me some treatments for that as well as something called solunat 5 and Folgar12
I went LCHF - and followed the whole 30 for a month
I am not religious - but on a trip to Malta we were taken to a church on a tour where the guide assured me that any health condition you asked to be cured would be cured in a year - so I asked for my heart to be fixed
So which one of these worked? Was it all a coincidence? Who knows and to be honest I do not care - Something worked and I am so happy i cannot describe it