millenialOM said...
Hello All,
I am thought to have LPR. Two of my symptoms are mucous build in my throat and post-nasal drip. I understand that clearing your throat can be bad. However, I have a high frequency of these two symptoms that clearing my throat is a must at times. In case I am not being clear, I mean spitting out mucous when I say clear my throat. I swallow the mucous at times when I cannot spit it anywhere, but that is gross. I am curious as to how some of you handle this situation.
I find myself staying out of the public more now than before so I do not gross out people with my constant spitting, or avoid risking not finding a sane place to spit out the mucous. I do not mind having to be on a strict diet, but it is really this throat clearing that gets to me. While I enjoy having time to myself, I also appreciate time with other people.
Also, an ENT and my primary physician told me that I have signs of anxiety and mild depression. I have been prescribed Sertraline and will start taking it tomorrow.
While I expect the medication for anxiety to help, I am a tad worried that in two weeks I will be a little overwhelmed. I start my last year of college then and will be fairly busy. I am concerned that my health will not allow me to perform well, which might aggravate my anxiety and depression. In case it comes to this, do you have any advice on how to handle the challenge or even how to mitigate/prevent that possibility? I am already going to cut down on a few activities, but I do not want to drop everything.
Thanks ahead of time to anyone who responds with thoughtful input.
Its totally understandable that you have anxiety and depression I mean digestive issues really throw your entire body off both physically and mentally. I actually started seeing a therapist because I have severe anxiety issues now. I wouldn't drop everything to start maybe but don't push yourself either. You will know if its too much for you to deal with. My throat bothers me 24/7 and yes it is embarrassing the constant coughing and throat clearing but what can I do about
it? I don't go out with friends anymore or do anything because of this illness all I do is work and go home so I understand the not wanting to be out but wanting to be out at the same time thing. I mean I would love to go have lunch with my friends but that ship has sailed. Just don't push yourself too much and try your best that's all you can do. I hope you feel better soon.