I get most of my health and recipe ideas from websites and blogs these days. I don't always agree with everything they put out, but overall, many of the things they discuss are usually pretty good and I've gotten some great recipe ideas for better, healthy eating. An example of this is the Food Matters site where they currently have recipes for Chocolate. Well, if you have GERD eating Chocolate is a no-no.
There are plenty more than that, but it's a good start. There are some pretty neat and creative healthy recipes on those sites.
The more I've researched my condition, the more it's led me back to what I've been habitually eating and drinking my entire life. Take canned tuna as one example. I always thought it was healthy and while the tuna is a good source of protein, the additives they add to the tuna as well as the chemicals that come in the can are not good for you. My esophagus has developed a highly sensitive to certain food additives and canned tuna is one of them (actually, most canned food bothers me now).
So after what seemed many endless of months of reading, researching, keeping a food journal, trial-and-error, I've finally figured out most of the foods that trigger my symptoms as well as figured out which foods to stay away from. Which is why I have chosen to live an organic lifestyle. It simplifies my life in the sense that I don't have to worry about
what's in my food. At some point, I want to grow my own produce, but first things first.
Our foods are laden with so many chemicals and pesticides, that's it's not even funny. Eating organic isn't a 100% fool proof way to protect oneself, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
I used to be a daily coffee drinker, but I had to stop because of my esophagitis. Yet, I found out fairly recently that coffee usually has some of the highest concentrations of pesticides in it. I didn't believe the article, so I had the coffee beans that I normally bought tested for pesticides. And the chemist that I hired confirmed it, the coffee beans had enough pesticides in them that it made him shudder.
I've developed so many food sensitivities that it got to the point that the only foods that would not cause me any major problems were organic foods. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but after many months of testing between many food groups, I finally decided to take the plunge. I'm not at 100% organic yet because I will occasionally eat some foods that aren't, for example, if I go visit my aunt and she makes food, I will eat the foods that I can eat with the least amount of problems.
I'm finally starting to feel better and I'm convinced it's because I'm not feeding my body crap anymore, I'm giving it the nutrition it needs to heal itself, and I have no choice but to be patient and let my body do it's thing. I'm confident 6 to 8 months from now, I'll be able to eat just about anything I want again, but my mindset and palette have already changed. I no longer desire processed or unnatural foods. I actually crave organic foods now.
Your attack sounds similar to mine but with one major difference: I don't have any issues swallowing and nothing feels stuck when I swallow. My symptoms took about 4-5 weeks to start getting better on this strict diet. Bear in mind that I'm still in constant pain, but the pain is about half of what it used to be.
I'm also doing something controversial and that is that I have chosen not to take any medicine for my condition because I have a normal LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) and don't appear to have any problems in that regard. I am doing this as a 90 day test and I'm also being monitored closely by my GI doctor and a nutritionist, so I am not advising anyone else to do this. I am doing it to see if I can do it. If my condition does not improve enough at the end of the 90 days then I will consult with my GI doctor again and see what she thinks I should do.