LAWCHICK said...
What are your symptoms and what does your diet consist of? Are you on medication? Also I know you mentioned the GP won't refer you anywhere else so maybe if you try out another they can recommend you see a different specialist? I have autoimmune issues which I think fuels my issues and no dr wants to take the risk to help me either so I know exactly how you feel. It's like banging on a door of a house that you know is full of people but no one is willing to open the door to help you. Sometimes I have had dark thoughts myself but I'm not at the point where I'm ready to give up even though sometimes I feel like it. I am hoping this natural remedy I'm starting will help. Also have you thought about seeing a therapist? I have been seeing one and while it's not helped at all with my swallowing issue it does I think help me feel like I need to go on and beat this since my therapist actually does believe it's a physical issue. If you are having these types of thoughts you may benefit from talking to someone face to face about it too.
Also have you ever tried gaviscon? I find it helps me if I take it at night before bed.
Currently I'm plagued by severe shortness of breath, never ending mucus and throat clearing. I also get gas, ear pain and sore throats. A single belch triggers my symptoms. At its worst swallowing issues play a part too.
I do still take Gaviscon Advance and alkaline water, but the PPIs made me worse so I no longer take them.