LAWCHICK said...
Just had a major gerd issue that landed me in the ER. First off I haven't posted on awhile, just been dealing with a lot, hope everyone is doing well or at least on the road to feeling better.
I woke up dizzy and feeling sick, I know it was from lack of food. I don't eat as much as I should since food causes me nothing but pain but I especially haven't been eating over past couple dats because of my cat. She has been very sick and had a feeding tube put in so I been busy taking care of her, going to vets and am just all around worried and scared. Anyways I decide to should eat something which was my first mistake because it was late and it's even harder to eat late. So I too, a few bites and my throat felt clogged, I threw up, felt pike I couldn't breathe and spent to ER where they did x Ray of throat (turned out ok) and they gave me antbausuia medicine and this liticane concoction. Anyways I'm home now hungry but my throat hurts so can't eat and I'm just so exhausted. I just can't anymore, I need my health back.
horrible, I know the feeling! Coincidentally I had to rush one of my Pixiebob cats to the vets only 2 days after my fundoplication and spent almost 48hrs awake checking up on her! Hope you both get better soon