I too have been having these choking symptoms and at night i wake up with panic. It's horrible. I don't know if it is the GERD or if I'm having irregular heartbeat like my heart is stopping such as apnea. I think I have more symptoms of LPR. I have throat irritation, tightness in throat, shortness of breath and heavy feeling on my chest. Also this is weird but I have pain under my arms that's been scarring the hell out of me too. Is this possibly related to the GERD. I keep thinking I have lumps and Cancer but my doctor says there's nothing there.
I just started taking nexium after trying several other drugs. Am on week 3 40mgs/day. Will it ever go away??? Are people with these symptoms good candidates for surgery. I'd be interested in hearing from some people if they have any information. Discouraged and depressed in Canada.