So started really feeling reflux in Jan. Tried a bunch of natural stuff and just couldn't take it anymore, went to dr. My regular dr thinks hiatal hernia but Gastro says gerd/reflux and possibly Baretts:(. I'm 36 have high anxiety and 3 wonderful kids. I've been on Zoloft around 16 years and klonapin low dose a few years ago. In Jan when this all started I went back on klonapin .5, and was having major anxiety. Two things: maybe I've had this for a long time no symptoms. I have bad post nasal drip and tooth enamel loss, I'm a grinder and have lots of allergies, so who knows??? Also. Very dry mouth,
I'm currently only prescribed nexium 20, please! It's not enough. I did not like Prilosec ( gave me anxiety). I'm also adding some h2 blockers. I'm also on Zyrtec and Flonase, for allergy. Maybe it's always been reflux. I'm terrified of what the damage could be and keep researching stomach cancer Baretts and of course, so many symptoms are the same. I have s lot of braving and burning between breasts and lots of belching. I have endo scheduled 7/28. Thanks all for listening. I'm a teacher off for summer, and with my anxiety, this is making me sick!