Hi, I'm an otherwise healthy 46 year old woman, don't smoke, not overweight, but about 3 weeks ago I noticed I was having trouble swallowing. I've had a 'tickly throat' cough for a couple of months but put it down to post nasal drip, as I'm almost always blocked up in the mornings.
The throat thing has been steadily getting worse, and now for the last week I've had really bad feelings of trapped wind (want to burp but can't), and quite a lot of regurgitation after eating. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he told me it was probably reflux and put me on 40mg Omeprazole and Peptac liquid, but to be honest it's just getting worse and worse. He also told me he would arrange for a gastroscopy (endoscope) but that could be several weeks from now and I'd really like answers sooner, I'm getting so anxious about it.
Does this sound like GERD? I don't actually get heartburn sensations or pain at all, but the swallowing issue is getting really bad, sometimes it feels as if everything is getting stuck. I've noticed it's worse in the evening, as is the regurgitation, after I've eaten a meal. I'm trying to keep eating properly but I'm starting to dread meal times. :(
I keep scaring myself by looking at medical sites, but I wondered if anyone here had experienced similar symptoms? Difficulty swallowing, needing to burp but can't, regurgiation but no actual heartburn?
I should also mention that I've been having a very stressful time recently, so could anxiety have brought this on? Nothing like this has happened before.