I am a 25year old male and have been suffering w/ acid reflux since I was a child. The past few years have been the worst though. I have been taking 40mg of nexium twice a day for about 2 years because the other meds and the smaller doses of nexium are no longer sufficient. I have taken, under supervision of numerous gastro's: aciphex, prevacid, prilosec, zantac, protonix, ozerp.., nexium, zegrid, etc...., and have found nexium twice a day is really the only thing that manages my heartburn to a poing where it is bearable. I have tried in the past to stop taking nexium, with the advice of my doctor, to make sure that I was indeed refluxing. After day 2 of stopping; naseua, intense burning, burping up bile..., pretty much all of the things I experienced before starting nexium commenced. I have also done numerous endoscopsys that have suggested that GERD is the issue at hand. I have been contemplating surgery recently and had a BPH probe but it was faulty (the 'so called' nurse failed to attach the probe correctly so I passed it a day after it was attached)
I am explaining these things to demonstrate to whoever reads us that my doctors and I are 99.99% sure that the problems I have been having for years is indeed acid reflux.
----I also have skin allergies that are only treated by the hystamine blockers in drugs such as Zyrtec. Claritin and others who are not strong in this area are not as effective. When I do not take Zyrtec, my skin allergies are uncomfortable to the point of not being able to do anything b/c of the itching and scratching.
All of this being said, I have been on SSRI's for Generalized Anxiety disorder for about 1.5 years. I have always suffered w/ Anxiety but have only recently been prescribed to medication to help. Lexapro was the best working drug for me. Just to be clear, Lexapro did nothing for my GERD.
The problem w/ Lexapro is, it makes me very groggy so my GP and I decided that a switch was in order. about 20 days ago he switched me to Remeron, a drug commonly used for Depression when other SSRI's do not work. After a couple of days I began to notice that I wasn't having heartburn after morning coffee(I know, I know...I'm not supposed to drink coffee b/c of my GERD, but it is just too darn good). I ALWAYS have heartburn w/ morning coffee. I thought this would be a good opportunity to try a day w/out nexium. The next day, this is what I did. No nexium in the morning, no heartburn. WOW. I WAS AMAZED. I haven't been able to drink margaritas in years....I drank margaritas that night with little-no heartburn...The wife and I opened a bottle of red wine out of our collection (which has been collecting dust for the past 2 years b/c of my inablility to drink it).....no acid, no reflux, no nothing..... Every day following this day about 18 days ago has been the same thing. I can eat all of the foods I want w/ little or no reflux. No sore throat in the morning. No food coming back up through the esophagus gagging me. No burping up bile/acidy food. NONE OF THE SYMPTOMS NORMALLY EXPERIENCED!!!!
Oh, and Remeron for those of you who dont know, contains a heavy dosage of Antihysthamines. This was not shocking to me that my previously mentioned skin condition is now taken care of by Remeron. Now one less medication in my cabinet...no more Zyrtec...
Question: Could Remeron have cured me? Could it have eliminated my reflux trigger? Please, if anyone has experienced this same result or know why Remeron might have stopped my acid reflux, please shed some light on my situation. I am going to the GP next week so I'd like to go there w/ some knowledge b/c i feel he does not always know everything that can happen as the result of taking a medication.
....Also, I feel that the medicine that treated my skin condition in Remeron has something to do w/ my treatment of heartburn.....