Thank you for posting your experience with the Linx surgery. I'm sorry for your issues that you have suffered but I'm excited for the relief you are experiencing. I hope things continue to get better and better for you!
My name is Kim and I just turned 50 years old and I have been dealing with heartburn officially since the late 90s. 1998 I had my first scope and it showed a slight hiatal hernia, some pre-cancerous polyps and an ulcer. I was also suffering with symptoms of IBS. At that time I found out I had a liver tumor called focal nodular hyperplasia and eventually had tumor dissected and my gallbladder removed. I had such burning pain and pressure at my sternum, I thought for sure I had a ton of erosion. But sure enough after the scope ('s) I was told there was not much erosion and that was very confusing. I've been on about
every medicine for heartburn and nothing really fully works. I have had multiple Scopes and different tests with much of the same results.
Recently I went to an ear nose and throat doctor and a sleep doctor for issues I am experiencing and found out I have a really bad case of LPR ( who'da thunk it makes so much sense now). I'm to the point where I am always congested with sinusitis, a burning from my nose straight into my throat, my tongue actually Burns, cobblestoning, pain, bloating, chronic cough and clearing of my throat with the feeling of phlegm all the time... and nausea. I found out at this time I do not have sleep apnea (yet, o2 levels still good but eventually ok will most likely get it due to the structure of my mouth). However, I do have a sleep disorder called paradoxal insomnia. I tend to have many arousals and Awakenings and horrible quality of sleep due to lack of REM sleep. A lot of this could be from the constant refluxing while I sleep and I prayed taking care of the LPR, GERD, and heartburn will also help with the Sleep issues. I am done suffering and I am ready to get this fixed.
I have an appointment on August 17th to talk about
the Linx procedure with one surgeon. I will speak with my regular GI doctor about
a Nissen fundoplication as well and will decide what is best for my LPR, GERD, and heartburn. I'm definitely nervous but I'm excited, life is for the living and my quality of living has been really sucky lately. It affects me when I am awake and asleep and I'm ready to stop complaining about
feeling sick all the time (sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throat, along with nausea, heartburn, and stomach aches). I'm hoping they can work on strengthening the inner sphincter as well to give me extra protection when sleeping. I'm not sure which route to go, I will see what the doctor say. The fundoplication seems like the gold standard and the best option for LPR and GERD, but I have to admit it makes me nervous. I have seen some success with the linxs as well. I'm bummed my initial appointment is so far away LOL, I'm ready to get this show on the road and hopefully start feeling like a brand new person.
I'm looking forward to watching this thread and seeing other people's experiences. Good luck everyone!