Dr Norm said...
Its natures way - eating like we evolved to eat. Now wonder it works!
Dr Norm
In the early days of 'man', grains might have been the only source of nourishment, especially if one was not too keen with a bow and dull arrow. Certainly fruit might have been one of the first luxuries known to mankind.
I think our digestive systems may be just as amenable to grains (carbs) today as they were for the early cave dwellers.
The problem possibly comes when we factor in the pesticides, herbicides, pollutants, dyes, and preservatives that are abundant in our food in this modern world. Add to that the myriad of ingredients that we can barely pronounce that are also added to the foods we eat. Don't forget the sugar and other modern day additives.
Doesn't there have to be a common denominator which is causing so many of us to be afflicted with GERD?
Is it the flouride or chlorine content of the water?
Do too many people have water softeners in their homes whereby reverse osmosis will not remove the salt and chemicals left from the softening process?
Is it in the additives of boxed food, chips, and pop?
Is it stress from our modern lifestyle? (Maybe the early cave dwellers had a different kind of stress. No TV or minute by minute news coverage!)
Is GERD from the outgasing of plastic found in styrofoam cups, plastic cups, plastic bread wrappers, plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, plastic milk cartons, plastic TV dinner cartons, plastic everything?
The list goes on.........towards finding that one thing, that common denominator, which is our nemesis.