Hi Robert,
The problem with botox is it's only temporary and not always effective! And the more you do it, the wrose it produces and may make a future surgery tougher.
Have you had a manometry? That's the key test for establishing the DES. You can also have a Bravo test or 24 hr PH test to determine your acid reflux.
My spasms are controlled by nifepidine (sp?) aka procardia. In fact, if I forget to take it for a couple of days, they come back! (I get it in the form of a sharp back pain)
I don't have acid reflux, but I do have achalasia and will probably go through surgery - heller myotomy. The myotomy may also be a good answer for the DES, with better results than both the dilatation and the botox. the dilatation usually requires more than one treatment, and there is a 2-5% chance of perforation, in which case and emergency surgery would be required (don't mean to scare you, just giving you the fact I was given)
Now because of the DES, I'm going to have a one time botox injection next week. The surgeons said if the botox helps, then this will confirm that I would be a good candidate for the surgery for achalasia. If it doesn't, then I need to do more testing to confirm that I do in fact have DES or just achalasia.
My biggest advis would be to make sure you have a GOOD doctor with problems with the esophagus and issues such as DES and achalasia.
Go to google, and under the more link, click on books. This will take you to google books. Search corkscrew esophagus, and click on the red book titled: Current surgical diagnosis & treatment - Page 457.
I hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with! Best of luck!
BTW, I've also been going to acupuncture and it's helped the symptoms tremendously!