reena20I'm really happy that your doing so well and back to normality. I don't do heavy weights either it's not worth the risk. I do alot of those things apart from crunches. I agree plus they're really nice aswell. Peppermint tea is one of my favourites aswell
I've not tried the tumeric tea but I know Tumeric really good for you. I like Carrot Juice, Watermelon juice is my favourite. One thing what is annoying is, I removed a carpet in end of June and and cut it up put into bags to throw away anyway since then I've had mild shortness of breath that comes and goes but with no other symptoms. I also don't get short of breath when walking or doing routine house chores just mild gasps abit sinilar to how someone with asthma reacts. Eating without getting reflux is amazing though isn't it