Jay-Ar said...
Hi, all.
I'd say the main cause of GERD is usually a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and/or hiatal hernia. In both cases, gastric juices invade the esophagus.
There are things that worsen the GERD symptoms:
- Certain foods, as Sharon mentioned; it's the number 1 issue
- Running or any exercise that make the gastric juice move up, which you mentioned (my case)
- Aspirin and any other NSAIDs (also my case)
- Too many hours of fasting (my case too, because I used to fast 3 days a week; fasting is great, but not for us GERD sufferers)
- Overweight or smoking
I'd follow Sharon's suggestions, no doubt; endoscopy is key, because GERD could erode your esophagus. As UC patient, you already know this type of issues.
Best luck,
One question about
fasting, why is it bad? I do some IF and I start feeling heartburn towards then end of an 16 to 18 hour fast. It seems you have a a lot of the same triggers I do.