Posted 2/21/2018 6:28 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all. I am female and 28 years old, I have type 1 diabetes and I am on insulin. Mostly well controlled.
Last December, I started having weird stomach problems where I lost my appetite to the point where I had starvation ketones, and would feel very nauseous and ill after a few bites of even the most basic foods. (Bananas and bread). I would start shaking and need to lay down. I phoned my GP and saw a nurse, got told it was just ''acid' or ''possibly an ulcer'' and given Omeprazole. 4 days later I got worse and ended up in an out of hours doctor in hospital and got given Domperidone for anti nausea so I could start eating again. After about 4-5 days I felt much better. I stopped taking the Domperidone and finished the 28 days worth of Omeprazole and I was fine by New Year.
Fast forward to about 1.5 weeks ago, I start getting weird cramps in my lower back and stomach. Appetite slowly diminishing again and not feeling right. Cramps were in my left hip and radiated just under where my belly button is. Not severe but enough to cause discomfort in bed. I started putting a pillow under my knees and my back pain is completely gone but my stomach issues are really bad. I saw another nurse, sent me away with nothing and just said to come back if it gets worse. I called my doctors AGAIN Monday morning, spoke to a doctor who didn't even want to see me and just prescribed more Domperidone and Lansoprazole 30mg once a day. I asked about a H. Pylori test and he dismissed it saying a lot of people have it and it causes no symptoms. He said if my stomach problems come back after this medicine then I need an endoscopy. I have had NO tests apart from urine the whole time I've been suffering with this. Urine is always clear.
I took my first dose of meds Monday afternoon, managed a sandwich and a yoghurt and went to bed about 4pm. I felt slightly better and less weak as I've really not been eating. I woke up about 11pm (I am nocturnal and work mainly nights so this is normal for me), I made myself some homemade vegetable broth with bread. I had some dark chocolate and a diet soda a bit later on. (Stuff I eat/drink all the time for years and never had any issues) I took my Domperidone and still felt kinda sick and didn't want to eat, but I forced myself.
about 3 hours later, I now have bright yellow, completely liquid stool that burns. I feel horrible. I don't know if I should call my doctor back when it opens, call 111 or give the medicine longer than a day to feel any different as last time Omeprazole took 5 days + Domperidone to feel 90% better. I feel like something is really wrong with me, but my doctor said Monday on the phone, ''Nothing you are telling me is raising any alarms''.
My main symptoms are:
- Nausea/malaise/feeling hot and clammy shortly after eating but NEVER vomited not even once. Nausea/unwell feeling comes in waves and seems to last maybe a few seconds to a minute and then it subsides
- Abdominal dull ache that seems worse when I lay down. In December this pain was in my upper central abdomen, now it's below my belly button and my stomach in general feels almost tight and achy, like it's tired.
- Hungry, hollow empty feeling in my stomach that usually starts shortly after eating
- On and off diarrhea. I had a normal BM when I woke up which slowly transitioned to liquid after going 2-4 times. I took Imodium because even though ''better out than in'', the burning from the BM was making me cry
- Very little appetite which is causing me to feel very weak and sick from not being able to eat properly
As far as I am aware, I have no food allergies. I am on Metformin and Insulin for type 1 diabetes, and I take birth control, but I've been on all of these for 5 years and had no problems whatsoever.
I am really annoyed that I have sought out medical attention for this so many times, yet no one ever orders any tests to actually investigate. I can't live like this. I already had a warning from work for taking time off because my uncle went missing. I work all over the country and the thought of a 3 hour drive with my unstable stomach is making it so hard for me to function at work.
I really need some help. I'm giving it until Thursday and if I'm not ''winning'' by then, then I am going back to my doctor to demand some tests and real answers.