Posted 11/29/2018 4:47 AM (GMT 0)
Hello everyone,
Wanted to get some opinions on my situation. I’ve suffered with GERD for about 3 years. I’ve been on and off PPI’s and have had ok results.
Most recently I’ve made some changes to my diet, losing some weight and getting myself back in shape.
I’ve been on Prilosec and went to one every other day. Then came off all together last week.
Since then I’ve had strange headaches, sinus pressure with no runny nose. But the main thing is chest pain. Most of the time it sits right in the center but sometimes moves through my back and under my left shoulder blade.
Occasionally my left hand aches as well. I went to my doc, he did an ekg and said it wasn’t perfect and suggested I may have some inflammation in my chest. He expressed some concern about the pain traveling to my back and mentioned aortic dessicition.
Of course this scared me to death as I have bad health related anxiety. And unfortunately that’s the only thing I latched on to. I have no shortness of breath or any other heart related symptoms but the traveling chest pain and his comment has me worried.
In your experiences, has anyone had this type of traveling chest pain? It’s been pretty constant since I’ve stopped the Prilosec. I feel that I have trapped gas as well. None of that impressed the doc very much.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.