Dear All;
I was diagnosed with acid reflux after going to an emergency room and examined for burning chest pain, like many of you I have read. Now, I have another problem about
exercising and burning in my chest and I was wondering if anyone here had a burning chest when you walked far, but then it stopped when you stop walking? If I keep on walking a little more, the burning seems to let up a little. Whenever I take my Famotidine, exercising and walking with burning chest isn't as bad. I needed to know if it was my heart because angina feels the same way, so, I am also seeing a Cardiologist who just gave me an echocardiogram last week. I am overweight and also I am being treated for high cholesterol. I do not have high blood pressure and l had 2 EKG's and 2 chest xrays which were good. I wish I could exercise without the burn. Did anyone else go through this? My diet hasn't been the greatest, but I do not eat any sweets, cake, chips, or candy and I do not drink pop and alcohol. Sometimes I get the burning in my chest during high stress moments also. Resting is the only thing, plus Famotidine that helps.
Post Edited (glenninindy) : 6/2/2021 4:00:30 PM (GMT-6)