Im not sure if this is Gerd related or something below im stumped,any ideas I take zegerid 40 mg a day,and have had gerd 4 years plus..The scope done like 1 1/2 years ago..
Well i talked to the dentist he said it had nothing to do with the procedure on thursday..
Cant see a dr till wednesday,and im not liking waiting that long...
its worse at night,but it feels like a band,and like there something nose is a bit stuffy,and i can produce phlem from that area and its yellow..but its hard to get to come up..
im a big health freak im just about to be 27 but i freak,and im scared..i have 4 kids and to drag them to the er,i dunno..
another thing is why it get worse at night..any more help thanks??
i take xanax for the anxiety have done so last 6 years..
im thinking maybe seasonal allergy??