Hi. I'm new to the GERD/Heartburn board, but have been posting on the UC board for a bit.
Today I noticed that I am burping up lunch five hours after eating. Isn't the food supposed to be digested by then???
I've been reading through some past posts and noticed that I share a lot of the same symptoms as others, but I didn't realize they could be GERD related. I have constant sinus drainage. Some mornings I am so naseous from it that I end up throwing up snot and frothy white stuff. It's awful.
The nasea (sp?) and vomiting started in Dec 2004 after lots of stress from being unemployed and moving far from everything I've known. I'm sure that I was very anxious, but didn't see a doctor about the Effexor I take for almost a year - started that in August 2005.
I've always burped up some food after eating a large meal. Now I realize that I've probably had GERD since I was at least in high school, if not before that. I looked through old doctor's records and see notes about heartburn. I remember in college trying tagament and I've always had tums around.
I currently take 20 mg of omeprazole. Is this a "normal" dose, a low dose? Could I take more? I usually take it in the morning 15 minutes to an hour after I eat breakfast. Taking it before bed didn't help as much as taking it in the AM. But could I get more relief (which would be great) from taking it twice a day?
Sorry for all of the questions, I just feeling lost and anxious about all of this stuff....
Thanks for listening :)