Okay, Your PPI should be stopping the reflux with the regime you are describing. It took me three treis to find the right medication that would stop the worst symptoms. You are experiencing sheer mysery, don't be nice and wait, go immediately to your doc and demand another PPI or maybe a stronger dose. For many people a stronger dose is what it takes. Also, even if you don't feel it, you might still be refluxing at night and producing irritating acid, so it is very important that you sleep on an inclined bed or at least a wedge, or sitting on a recliner.
Some of the other symptoms you describe are part of what is called dyspepsia, delayed digestion due to the acid suppression from your medication. In other words, the PPI is doing some of its job because you are experiencing bloatedness, pain under the ribs, constipation, gas, etc. What I've done to minimize those symptoms is to not drink water half an hour before a meal and an hour after. Gassy foods like broccoli, starches and legumes made me feel worse, so I minimized them. I also ate small amounts of plain yogurt with live cultures twice a day to speed up my very slow digestion with beneficial bacteria. The key work to look for is not "made with," but "contains live cultures." Keep eating broths, fruits and veggies like yam, carrots, and kale.
Some people take enzymes to ensure they will be able to digest certain foods, I never did but heard good things from those who have. You can find them at a health food store.
Keep posting, I think a lot of people who read this forum are on vacation, but almost everyone here has gone through what you are going through. Some will eventually read your thread and give you good advice.
Have you been able to talk to anyone about this? Is your family near or far?