Thank You for the replies, yes it did help a bit.
I just wish now I took better care of my body, as far as eating and smoking...
I was hoping my age would help me out, but since I got acid reflux at a young age as it is....and whenever there's a low percentage of something happening, I always seem to fall into that for some reason.
My father is 56 with acid reflux his whole adult life and as far as I know, he doesn't have Barrett's.
It just stinks how GI doctor mentions how it's usually about
5 years, and of course, I have to have it five years.
She said if it didn't show by now, there's a good chance it never would.
I'm so scared, I don't want to do this.
I'm also a Lyme patient, I'm usually hanging out on the Lyme board, but that has aggravated this whole thing. For one, Lyme disease makes acid reflux and pretty much everything GI related, that much worse. Next, the meds I am on are making the acid reflux worse. And lastly, Chronic Lyme can cause symptoms like anxiety and fear, which is making me more afraid of something being wrong with me, like Barrett's espophagus.
She said the Nexium does help, especially by protecting my throat.