The GI doc speciatlist ordered the test after I came to see him complaining of chronic nausea and reflux for several months. My endoscopy showed hiatal hernia and gastritis, but the upper GI showed everything normal. This all happened following throat (UPPP)surgery for sleep apnea. It changed the configuration of my throat and then all hell brook loose in my digestive tract.
But after reading about some experiences people have had with Bravo, I
just cancelled my test. It sounds like there is a good chance of pain and discomfort, which I am not willing to undergo after the year I've had following my surgery, including inhalation pneumonia, reflux and panic attacks. So I'll have the other 2 tests (colonoscopy and abdominal CAT scan) and go back to my regular GI doc. I am finally learning to follow my instincts about medical procedures!